Monday, October 26, 2009

About SL Palestinian Homeland Project, and what we are doing.

SL Palestinian Homeland Project was created to address a need within the virtual world of Second Life. Even within this virtual reality, people who reveal their Palestinian heritage still face discrimination and abuse. I was shocked as an American to see this even from other arabs. After observing this, the idea to create a region for Palestinians suddenly became a prominent idea for me. So, I decided to act. 
Since the initial idea the concept has matured. The potential of this platform for educating an international audience is significant and should not be overlooked. The region that we will build will be a showcase of a hidden people and culture. We hope to create the new Palestine in SL, as a showcase for the heart of a people, through art, culture, and social interactions. We hope to counter the misrepresentation of innocent people by the biased media, by giving a living virtual example of the very spirit of the Palestinian people.
We are working constantly towards our goal, and have met much support. From content builders, activist organizations, to singers and artists we have forged relationships to create our vision of a future of peace and human dignity. To this effect we are throwing fundraisers within Second Life, to get the funds together to purchase and build the region. We have also obtained some support from real world organizations who support peace, and have come to share in our vision. The job is difficult, but more than worthy. Peace must start in every corner, even our little digital corner.
Many people have gotten involved, bringing their own special skills to bear on the issues. You may also get involved, whether it be in the virtual world of Second Life or in the real world. Let us come together to actualize a vision of peace, where human dignity cannot be trampled upon. 

Abhishekam Jawetz
Director of SL Palestinian Homeland Project